1. |
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Groups of order automorphisms of certain homogeneous ordered sets.
David Eisenbud.
5 pages.
Michigan Mathematical Journal. 16 (1969), 59-63.
2. |
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Modules over Dedekind prime rings.
David Eisenbud, J. C. Robson.
19 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 16 (1970), no.1, 67-85.
3. |
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Hereditary Noetherian prime rings.
David Eisenbud, J. C. Robson.
19 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 16 (1970), no.1, 86-104.
4. |
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Subrings of Artinian and Noetherian rings.
David Eisenbud.
3 pages.
Mathematische Annalen. 185 (1970), 247-249.
5. |
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Serial rings.
David Eisenbud, Phillip Griffith.
12 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 17 (1971), no.3, 389-400.
6. |
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The structure of serial rings.
David Eisenbud, Phillip Griffith.
13 pages.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 36 (1971), no.1, 109-121.
7. |
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Basic elements: Theorems from algebraic K-theory.
David Eisenbud, E. Graham Evans, Jr.
4 pages.
Bulletin of the AMS. 78 (1972), no.4, 546-549.
8. |
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Lifting modules and a theorem on finite free resolutions.
David Eisenbud, David A. Buchsbaum.
12 pages.
Proc. Conf., Park City, Utah, 1971.
Ring theory. (1972), 63-74.
9. |
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Every algebraic set in n-space is the intersection of n hypersurfaces.
David Eisenbud, E. Graham Evans, Jr.
6 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 19 (1973), 107-112.
10. |
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What makes a complex exact?
David A. Buchsbaum, David Eisenbud.
10 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 25 (1973), no.2, 259-268.
11. |
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Generating modules efficiently: Theorems from algebraic K-theory.
David Eisenbud, E. Graham Evans, Jr.
28 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 27 (1973), no.2, 278-305.
12. |
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On a problem in linear algebra.
David A. Buchsbaum, David Eisenbud.
7 pages.
Conference on Commutative Algebra (Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kan., 1972).
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 311 (1973), 50-56.
13. |
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Three conjectures about modules over polynomial rings.
David Eisenbud, E. Graham Evans, Jr.
12 pages.
Conference on Commutative Algebra (Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, Kan., 1972).
Lecture notes in mathematics. 311 (1973), 78-89.
14. |
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Remarks on ideals and resolutions.
David Eisenbud, David A. Buchsbaum.
12 pages.
Convegno di Algebra Commutativa, INDAM, Rome, 1971.
Symposia Mathematica. XI (1973), 193-204.
15. |
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Some structure theorems for finite free resolutions.
David Eisenbud, David A. Buchsbaum.
56 pages.
Advances in Mathematics. 12 (1974), no.1, 84-139.
16. |
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Adic approximation of complexes, and multiplicities.
David Eisenbud.
7 pages.
Nagoya Mathematical Journal. 54 (1974), 61-67.
17. |
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A survey of some results on free resolutions.
David Eisenbud.
6 pages.
Canadian Mathematical Congress, Montreal, Quebec, 1975.
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. 1 (1974), 303-308.
18. |
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Generic free resolutions and a family of generically perfect ideals.
David Eisenbud, David A. Buchsbaum.
57 pages.
Advances in Mathematics. 18 (1975), no.3, 245-301.
19. |
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Some directions of recent progress in commutative algebra.
David Eisenbud.
18 pages.
Algebraic Geometry, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California, 1974.
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. 29 (1975), 111-128.
20. |
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Notes on an extension of Krull's principal ideal theorem.
David Eisenbud.
4 pages.
28e année (1974/75), Algèbre, Exp. No. 20, Secrétariat Mathématique, Paris, 1975.
Séminaire P. Dubreil, F. Aribaud et M.-P. Malliavin. 28 (1975), no.2, 4.
21. |
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Note on the topological degree of a smooth mapping.
David Eisenbud.
10 pages.
Conference on Commutative Algebra--1975 (Queen's Univ., Kingston, Ont., 1975).
Queen's Papers in Pure and Applied Mathematics. 42 (1975), 70-79.
22. |
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A generalized principal ideal theorem.
David Eisenbud, E. Graham Evans, Jr.
13 pages.
Nagoya Mathematical Journal. 62 (1976), 41-53.
23. |
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Algebra structures for finite free resolutions, and some structure theorems for ideals of codimension 3.
David Eisenbud, David A. Buchsbaum.
39 pages.
American Journal of Mathematics. 99 (1977), no.3, 447-485.
24. |
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An algebraic formula for the degree of a C? map germ.
David Eisenbud, Harold I. Levine.
26 pages.
Annals of Mathematics. 106 (1977), no.1, 19-44.
25. |
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What annihilates a module?
David Eisenbud, David A. Buchsbaum.
13 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 47 (1977), no.2, 231-243.
26. |
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Enriched free resolutions and change of rings.
David Eisenbud.
8 pages.
Séminaire d'algèbre Paul Dubreil, 29ème année (Paris, 1975-1976).
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 586 (1977), 1-8.
27. |
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Solution du problème de Serre par Quillen-Suslin.
David Eisenbud.
11 pages.
Séminaire d'algèbre Paul Dubreil, 29ème année (Paris, 1975-1976).
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 586 (1977), 9-19.
28. |
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Remarks on regular sequences.
David Eisenbud, Manfred Hermann, Wolfgang Vogel.
4 pages.
Nagoya Mathematical Journal. 67 (1977), 177-180.
29. |
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An algebraic approach to the topological degree of a smooth map.
David Eisenbud.
14 pages.
Bulletin of the AMS. 84 (1978), no.5, 751-764.
30. |
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On the number of generators of ideals in local Cohen-Macaulay rings.
Maksymillian Boratynski, David Eisenbud, David Rees.
5 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 57 (1979), no.1, 77-81.
31. |
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A Nullstellensatz with nilpotents and Zariski's main lemma on holomorphic functions.
David Eisenbud, Melvin Hochster.
5 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 58 (1979), no.1, 157-161.
32. |
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Young diagrams and determinantal varieties.
C. DeConcini, David Eisenbud, C. Procesi.
37 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 56 (1980), no.2, 129-165.
33. |
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Transcanonical embeddings of hyperelliptic curves.
David Eisenbud.
7 pages.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 19 (1980), 77-83.
34. |
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Introduction to algebras with straightening laws.
David Eisenbud.
26 pages.
Ring theory and algebra, III : Proceedings of the third Oklahoma Conference.
Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied mathematics. 55 (1980), 243-268.
35. |
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Homological algebra on a complete intersection, with an application to group representations.
David Eisenbud.
30 pages.
Transactions of the AMS. 260 (1980), no.1, 35-64.
36. |
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Transverse foliations of Seifert bundles and self homeomorphism of the circle.
David Eisenbud, Ulrich Hirsch, Walter Neumann.
23 pages.
Comentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 56 (1981), 638-660.
37. |
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On the normal bundles of smooth rational space curves.
D. Eisenbud, A. Van de Ven.
11 pages.
Mathematische Annalen. 256 (1981), no.4, 453-463.
38. |
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Projective resolutions of Cohen-Macaulay algebras.
David Eisenbud, Oswald Riemenschneider, Frank-Olaf Schreyer.
14 pages.
Mathematische Annalen. 257 (1981), no.1, 85-98.
39. |
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Report on normal bundles of curves in P3.
David Eisenbud.
7 pages.
Paul Dubreil and Marie-Paule Malliavin Algebra Seminar, 33rd Year (Paris, 1980).
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 867 (1981), 141-147.
40. |
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On the variety of smooth rational space curves with given degree and normal bundle.
D. Eisenbud, A. Van de Ven.
12 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 67 (1982), no.1, 89-100.
41. |
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Curves of almost maximal genus.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
58 pages.
Curves in projective space (ISBN: 2-7606-0603-1), chapter 3.
Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures [Seminar on Higher Mathematics]. 85 (1982), 81-138.
42. |
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Projective summands in generators.
David Eisenbud, Wolmer Vasconcelos, Roger Wiegand.
7 pages.
Nagoya Mathematical Journal. 86 (1982), 203-209.
43. |
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Gorenstein ideals of height 3.
David A. Buchsbaum, David Eisenbud.
19 pages.
Seminar D. Eisenbud/B. Singh/W. Vogel, Vol. 2.
Teubner-Texte zur Mathematik. 48 (1982), 30-48.
44. |
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A simpler proof of the Gieseker-Petri Theorem on special divisors.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
12 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 74 (1983), no.2, 269-280.
45. |
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Divisors on general curves and cuspidal rational curves.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
48 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 74 (1983), no.3, 371-418.
46. |
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On the Brill-Noether Theorem.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
7 pages.
Open problems in algebraic geometry.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 997 (1983), 131-137.
47. |
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Rational curves with cusps.
David Eisenbud.
8 pages.
Singularities, Part 1 (Arcata, Calif., 1981).
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. 40 (1983), 337-344.
48. |
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Cohen-Macaulay Rees algebras and their specialization.
David Eisenbud and Craig Huneke.
23 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 81 (1983), no.1, 202-224.
49. |
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Limit linear series, the irrationality of Mg, and other applications.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
4 pages.
Bulletin of the AMS. 10 (1984), no.2, 277-280.
50. |
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Linear free resolutions and minimal multiplicity.
David Eisenbud, Shiro Goto.
45 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 88 (1984), no.1, 89-133.
51. |
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Reviews: Algebraic geometry. An introduction to birational of algebraic varieties.
David Eisenbud, Shigeru Iitaka.
5 pages.
American mathematical monthly. 91 (1984), no.1, 66-70.
52. |
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Recent progress in the study of Weierstrass points.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
7 pages.
Geometry Today.
Progress in Mathematics. 60 (1985), 121-127.
53. |
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Limit linear series: Basic theory.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
35 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 85 (1986), no.2, 337-371.
54. |
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On the resiliency of determinantal ideals.
David Eisenbud.
10 pages.
Commutative algebra and combinatorics (Kyoto, 1985).
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics. 11 (1987), 29-38.
55. |
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Irreducibility and monodromy of some families of linear series.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
23 pages.
Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série. 20 (1987), no.1, 65-87.
56. |
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When ramification points meet.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
9 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 87 (1987), no.3, 485-493.
57. |
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Existence, decomposition, and limits of certain Weierstrass points.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
21 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 87 (1987), no.3, 495-515.
58. |
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The monodromy of Weierstrass points.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
9 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 90 (1987), no.2, 333-341.
59. |
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Cohen-Macaulay modules on quadrics.
Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz, David Eisenbud, David, Jürgen Herzog.
59 pages.
Singularities, representation of algebras, and vector bundles (Lambrecht, 1985).
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 1273 (1987), 58-116.
60. |
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On varieties of minimal degree (a centennial account).
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
11 pages.
Algebraic geometry, Bowdoin, 1985 (Brunswick, Maine, 1985).
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. 46 (1987), no.1, 3-13.
61. |
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The Kodaira dimension of the moduli space of curves of genus >= 23.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
29 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 90 (1987), no.2, 359-387.
62. |
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Vector spaces of matrices of low rank.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
21 pages.
Advances in Mathematics. 70 (1988), no.2, 135-155.
63. |
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Determinantal equations for curves of high degree.
David Eisenbud, Jee Koh, Michael Stillman.
27 pages.
American Journal of Mathematics. 110 (1988), no.3, 513-539.
64. |
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Linear sections of determinantal varieties.
David Eisenbud.
35 pages.
American Journal of Mathematics. 110 (1988), no.3, 541-575.
65. |
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Varieties cut out by quadrics: scheme-theoretic versus homogeneous generation of ideals.
Lawrence Ein, David Eisenbud, Sheldon Katz.
20 pages.
Algebraic geometry (Sundance, UT, 1986).
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 1311 (1988), 51-70.
66. |
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The classification of homogeneous Cohen-Macaulay rings of finite representation type.
David Eisenbud, Jürgen Herzog.
6 pages.
Mathematische Annalen. 280 (1988), no.2, 347-352.
67. |
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Irreducibility of some families of linear series with Brill-Noether number. 1.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
21 pages.
Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série. 22 (1989), no.1, 33-53.
68. |
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Progress in the theory of complex algebraic curves.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
28 pages.
Bulletin of the AMS. 21 (1989), no.2, 205-232.
69. |
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The Clifford dimension of a projective curve.
David Eisenbud, Herbert Lange, Gerriet Martens, Frank-Olaf Schreyer.
32 pages.
Compositio Mathematica. 72 (1989), no.2, 173-204.
70. |
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Remarks on points in a projective space.
David Eisenbud, Jee-Heub Koh.
16 pages.
Commutative algebra (Berkeley, CA, 1987).
MSRI Publications. 15 (1989), 157-172.
71. |
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Rank varieties of matrices.
David Eisenbud, David Saltman.
40 pages.
Commutative algebra (Berkeley, CA, 1987).
MSRI Publications. 15 (1989), 173-212.
72. |
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Ideals with a regular sequence as syzygy.
David Eisenbud, Craig Huneke.
2 pages.
Grothendieck Festschrift, Vol. 1, Appendix to Sur les hypersufaces dont les sections hyperplanes sont à module constant. [On hypersurfaces whose hyperplane sections have constant moduli] / Arnaud Beauville, pp. 121-133.
Progress in Mathematics. 86 (1990), 132-133.
73. |
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Unpublished (more detailed) version of Ideals with a regular sequence as syzygy.
David Eisenbud, Craig Huneke.
4 pages.
74. |
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Graph curves. With an appendix by Sung Won Park.
Dave Bayer, David Eisenbud.
40 pages.
Advances in Mathematics. 86 (1991), no.1, 1-40.
75. |
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Some linear syzygy conjectures.
David Eisenbud, Jee Koh.
30 pages.
Advances in Mathematics. 90 (1991), no.1, 47-76.
76. |
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On the Hurwitz scheme and its monodromy.
David Eisenbud, Noam Elkies, Joe Harris, Robert Speiser.
23 pages.
Compositio Mathematica. 77 (1991), no.1, 95-117.
77. |
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Green's conjecture: An orientation for algebraists.
David Eisenbud.
28 pages.
Free resolutions in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry (Sundance, UT, 1990).
Research Notes in Mathematics. 2 (1992), 51-78.
78. |
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The dimension of the Chow variety of curves.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
20 pages.
Compositio Mathematica. 83 (1992), no.3, 291-310.
79. |
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Direct methods for primary decomposition.
David Eisenbud, Craig Huneke, Wolmer Vasconcelos.
29 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 110 (1992), no.2, 207-235.
80. |
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Regularity of modules over a Koszul algebra.
Luchezar L. Avramov, David Eisenbud.
6 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 153 (1992), no.1, 85-90.
81. |
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Finite projective schemes in linearly general position.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
16 pages.
Journal of Algebraic Geometry. 1 (1992), no.1, 15-30.
82. |
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An intersection bound for rank 1 loci, with applications to Castelnuovo and Clifford theory.
David Eisenbud, Joe Harris.
29 pages.
Journal of Algebraic Geometry. 1 (1992), no.1, 31-59.
83. |
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Open problems in computational algebraic geometry.
David Eisenbud.
22 pages.
Computational algebraic geometry and commutative algebra (Cortona, 1991).
Symposia Mathematica. 34 (1993), 49-70.
84. |
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Higher Castelnuovo theory.
David Eisenbud, Mark Green, Joe Harris.
16 pages.
Journées de Géométrie Algébrique d'Orsay (Orsay, 1992).
Astérisque. 218 (1993), 187-202.
85. |
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Juggling drops and descents.
Joe Buhler, David Eisenbud, Ron Graham, Colin Wright.
13 pages.
The American Mathematical Monthly. 101 (1994), no.6, 507-519.
86. |
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Nets of alternating matrices and the linear syzygy conjectures.
David Eisenbud, Jee Koh.
35 pages.
Advances in Mathematics. 106 (1994), no.1, 1-35.
87. |
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Finding sparse systems of parameters.
David Eisenbud, Bernd Sturmfels.
15 pages.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 94 (1994), no.2, 143-157.
88. |
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Ideals of minors in free resolutions.
David Eisenbud, Mark L. Green.
14 pages.
Duke Mathematical Journal. 75 (1994), no.2, 339-352.
89. |
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Initial ideals, Veronese subrings, and rates of algebras.
David Eisenbud, Alyson Reeves, Burt Totaro.
20 pages.
Advances in Mathematics. 109 (1994), no.2, 168-187.
90. |
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Ribbons and their canonical embeddings.
Dave Bayer, David Eisenbud.
38 pages.
Transactions of the AMS. 347 (1995), no.3, 719-756.
91. |
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Clifford indices of ribbons.
David Eisenbud, Mark Green.
9 pages.
Transactions of the AMS. 347 (1995), no.3, 757-765.
92. |
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Cayley-Bacharach theorems and conjectures.
David Eisenbud, Mark Green, Joe Harris.
30 pages.
Bulletin of the AMS. 33 (1996), no.3, 295-324.
93. |
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Binomial ideals.
David Eisenbud, Bernd Sturmfels.
45 pages.
Duke Mathematical Journal. 84 (1996), no.1, 1-45.
94. |
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Modules that are finite birational algebras.
David Eisenbud, Bernd Ulrich.
6 pages.
Illinois Journal of Mathematics. 41 (1997), no.1, 10-15.
95. |
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Evolutions, symbolic squares, and Fitting ideals.
David Eisenbud, Barry Mazur.
13 pages.
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 488 (1997), 189-201.
96. |
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Non-commutative Gröbner bases for commutative algebras.
David Eisenbud, Irena Peeva, Bernd Sturmfels.
5 pages.
Proceedings of the AMS. 126 (1998), no.3, 687-691.
97. |
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Computation of cohomology.
David Eisenbud.
8 pages.
Computational methods in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry/Wolmer V. Vasconcelos. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998. ISBN: 3-540-60520-7.
Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics. 2 (1998), 219-226.
98. |
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Lattice walks and primary decomposition.
Persi Diaconis, David Eisenbud, Bernd Sturmfels.
21 pages.
Mathematical essays in honor of Gian-Carlo Rota (Cambridge, MA, 1996).
Progress in Mathematics. 161 (1998), 173-193.
99. |
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Chains of maps between indecomposable modules.
David Eisenbud, J. A. de la Peña.
7 pages.
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. 504 (1998), 29-35.
100. |
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Gale duality and free resolutions of ideals of points.
David Eisenbud, Sorin Popescu.
31 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 136 (1999), no.2, 419-449.
101. |
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Wolfgang Vogel: Reminiscences of a mathematical friendship.
David Eisenbud.
6 pages.
Proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Computation held in Hanoi, August 19-23, 1996. Edited by David Eisenbud. Springer-Verlag Singapore, Singapore, 1999. xviii+320. pp. ISBN: 981-4021-50-4.
Commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and computational methods. (1999), 11-16.
102. |
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Syzygy ideals for determinantal ideals and the syzygetic Castelnuovo lemma.
David Eisenbud, Sorin Popescu.
12 pages.
Proceedings of the Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Computation held in Hanoi, August 19-23, 1996. Edited by David Eisenbud. Springer-Verlag Singapore, Singapore, 1999. xviii+320. pp. ISBN: 981-4021-50-4.
Commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, and computational methods. (1999), 247-258.
103. |
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Cohomology on toric varieties and local cohomology with monomial supports.
David Eisenbud, Mircea Mustata, Mike Stillman.
18 pages.
Symbolic computation in algebra, analysis, and geometry (Berkeley, CA, 1998).
Journal of Symbolic Computation. 29 (2000), no.4-5, 583-600.
104. |
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The projective geometry of the Gale transform.
David Eisenbud, Sorin Popescu.
47 pages.
Journal of Algebra. 230 (2000), no.1, 127-173.
105. |
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Enriques surfaces and other non-Pfaffian subcanonical subschemes of codimension 3.
David Eisenbud, Sorin Popescu, Charles Walter.
25 pages.
Special issue in honor of Robin Hartshorne.
Communications in Algebra. 28 (2000), no.12, 5629-5653.
106. |
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Hilbert functions, residual intersections, and residually S2 ideals.
Marc Chardin, David Eisenbud, Bernd Ulrich.
27 pages.
Compositio Mathematica. 125 (2001), no.2, 193-219.
107. |
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Lagrangian subbundles and codimension 3 subcanonical subschemes.
David Eisenbud, Sorin Popescu, Charles Walter.
41 pages.
Duke Mathematical Journal. 107 (2001), no.3, 427-467.
108. |
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A simple proof of some generalized principal ideal theorems.
David Eisenbud, Craig Huneke, Bernd Ulrich.
6 pages.
Proceedings of the AMS. 129 (2001), no.9, 2535-2540.
109. |
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Mathematics comes from many sources ...
David Eisenbud, interviewed by Sara Robinson.
7 pages.
Mathematics unlimited-2001 and beyond. (2001), 647-653.
110. |
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Appendix to Jet schemes of locally complete intersection canonical singularities by Mircea Mustata.
David Eisenbud, Edward Frenkel.
28 pages.
Inventiones Mathematicae. 145 (2001), no.3, 397-424.
111. |
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Exterior algebra methods for the minimal resolution conjecture.
David Eisenbud, Sorin Popescu, Frank-Olaf Schreyer, Charles Walter.
17 pages.
Duke Mathematical Journal. 112 (2002), no.2, 379-395.
112. |
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Projective geometry and homological algebra.
David Eisenbud.
24 pages.
Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2.
Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics. 8 (2002), 17-40.
113. |
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Sheaf algorithms using the exterior algebra.
Wolfram Decker, David Eisenbud.
35 pages.
Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2.
Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics. 8 (2002), 215-249.
114. |
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Periodic resolutions over exterior algebras.
David Eisenbud.
14 pages.
Special issue in celebration of Claudio Procesi's 60th birthday.
Journal of Algebra. 258 (2002), no.1, 348-361.
115. |
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What is the Rees algebra of a module?
David Eisenbud, Craig Huneke, Bernd Ulrich.
8 pages.
Proceedings of the AMS. 131 (2003), no.3, 701-708.
116. |
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Presidential views: Interview with David Eisenbud.
Allyn Jackson.
3 pages.
Notices of the AMS. 50 (2003), no.3, 370-372.
117. |
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Resultants and Chow forms via exterior syzygies.
David Eisenbud, Frank-Olaf Schreyer, Jerzy Weyman.
43 pages.
Journal of the AMS. 16 (2003), no.3, 537-579.
118. |
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Hyperplane arrangement cohomology and monomials in the exterior algebra.
David Eisenbud, Sorin Popescu, Sergey Yuzvinsky.
19 pages.
Transactions of the AMS. 355 (2003), no.11, 4365-4383.
119. |
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An exterior view of modules and sheaves.
David Eisenbud.
8 pages.
Hyderabad, 2001.
Advances in Algebra and Geometry. (2003), 209-216.
120. |
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Sheaf cohomology and free resolutions over exterior algebras.
David Eisenbud, Gunnar Fløystad, Frank-Olaf Schreyer.
30 pages.
Transactions of the AMS. 355 (2003), no.11, 4397-4426.
121. |
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Fitting's lemma for Z/2-graded modules.
David Eisenbud, Jerzy Weyman.
23 pages.
Transactions of the AMS. 355 (2003), no.11, 4451-4473.
122. |
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A note on the intersection of Veronese surfaces.
David Eisenbud, Klaus Hulek, Sorin Popescu.
13 pages.
Commutative algebra, singularities and computer algebra (Sinaia, 2002).
NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. 115 (2003), 127-139.
123. |
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Heights of ideals of minors.
David Eisenbud, Craig Huneke, Bernd Ulrich.
22 pages.
American Journal of Mathematics. 126 (2004), no.2, 417-438.
124. |
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Order ideals and a generalized Krull height theorem.
David Eisenbud, Craig Huneke, Bernd Ulrich.
23 pages.
Mathematische Annalen. 330 (2004), no.3, 417-439.
125. |
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Lectures on the geometry of syzygies. With a chapter by Jessica Sidman.
David Eisenbud.
38 pages.
Trends in commutative algebra.
MSRI Publications. 51 (2004), 115-152.
126. |
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Classical algebraic geometry: Abstracts from the workshop held June 27-July 3, 2004.
Organized by David Eisenbud, Joe Harris, Frank-Olaf Schreyer.
45 pages.
Oberwolfach Reports. 1 (2004), no.3, 1657-1701.
127. |
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Presidential reflections: Interview with David Eisenbud.
Allyn Jackson.
3 pages.
Notices of the AMS. 52 (2005), no.2, 216-218.
128. |
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A finiteness property of infinite resolutions.
David Eisenbud, Craig Huneke.
11 pages.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 201 (2005), no.1-3, 284-294.
129. |
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Preface to Saunders Mac Lane: A mathematical autobiography.
David Eisenbud.
6 pages.
A K Peters, Ltd. Wellesley, MA, 2005. ISBN: 1-56881-150-0.
(2005), ix-xiv.
130. |
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Restricting linear syzygies: Algebra and geometry.
David Eisenbud, Mark Green, Klaus Hulek, Sorin Popescu.
19 pages.
Compositio Mathematica. 141 (2005), no.6, 1460-1478.
131. |
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Relative Beilinson monad and direct image for families of coherent sheaves.
David Eisenbud, Frank-Olaf Schreyer.
31 pages.
(2005), 31.
132. |
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The regularity of Tor and graded Betti numbers.
David Eisenbud, Craig Huneke, Bernd Ulrich.
33 pages.
American Journal of Mathematics. 128 (2006), no.3, 33.
133. |
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Small schemes and varieties of minimal degree.
David Eisenbud, Mark Green, Klaus Hulek, Sorin Popescu.
27 pages.
American Journal of Mathematics. (2006), 27.